Writing a Thesis: Using Your Strengths and Challenges

All of us have certain strengths and challenges in our academic lives.
Maybe you’re very inquisitive, and you have a natural love for learning, but
someone else might struggle with new concepts and find learning frustrating.
Maybe you’ve got great mental endurance, and you’re able to sit for long hours
to put in the work that is needed to complete your dissertation. Or you might
become easily bored, frustrated and distracted, and procrastinate from doing the
things that you should be doing.
Whatever your strengths and challenges, it’s a good idea to get a handle on them as early as you can in your thesis writing process so that you can use your strengths to your benefit and mitigate or improve on your areas for growth. In this short guide, we’ll explain all of the aspects that go into being ready and capable for writing a thesis. You can measure yourself in each of the 10 core components of thesis readiness to see where you might need to grow. You can also take the quiz on the Academic Coaching website and our team will send you a free report with your greatest strength and your greatest challenge, as well as your “Ready for Success” level. In addition, your free report will contain graphs, info and advice about your personalized confidence score and your mental endurance score. We’ll explain all of these concepts in this short guide, but if you’d like to take the quiz right now and find out about your greatest strengths and challenges, head over to the Academic Coaching website to get your free report.